Hi There!

Yeah!!! You are here! It is so nice to meet you! I am Chere Williams, a single mom who works too hard, who loves her kids, and never stops... just kidding, that's the Reba theme song! But I do love my kid so much, and jeez, I work hard! But it's all good because it is a beautiful life, and you're here! So, let me give you the inside scoop into who I am since you're visiting :)
Here are 20 Things About Me:
I had a monologue called Mr. Daniels that I wrote that was read on World Radio Paris
In June of 2022, my daughter and I went to Europe for a month! We visited Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece (I LOVED IT). It was a trip of a lifetime! (the pic is me in Barcelona)
I had the cool opportunity to write a piece in a book called the Global Orphan Crisis about being a single mom in the US
I created an online conference for moms in 2020 that was AWESOME! It was called Single Moms of Faith, Burning Bright, Not Burning Out. You can still see some of the recordings.
My best friend was on Oprah in the 90s! Six degrees of Separation, baby!
I love love love coffee! For the sake of everyone I love, I drink a cup of joe every day.
I am crazy proud of my now 16-year-old daughter, the love of my life, who is sweet, kind, beautiful, and an insanely talented dancer! She was in the Nutcracker at the Kennedy Center 4 times!
My Bible is my favorite book, and it travels everywhere with me!
I love Jesus.
My previous blog, "A Single Christian Mom's Advice on Making Life Easier," was named in the Top 15 Single Moms Blogs in Earnest Parenting and was named among the Top 50 Parenting Blogs in My Kids Need That.com.
I was an intern for the awesome author and queen of clearing out clutter, Kathi Lipp.
I have a cute Shorkie named Winter.
Family is absolutely everything to me. My dad passed away on October 9, 2022, and I miss him every minute.
I was a Mom Mentor for Graham Blanchard Publishing
I am from Pittsburgh, PA, and a true yinzer :)
I am a homemaking nerd, I love everything about homemaking! My favorite homemakers are Emily Barnes and Donna Otto.
I have a podcast that has the same name as this blog, Faith, Coffee & a Kid, check it out!
I'm a notetaker. I get immense satisfaction from taking notes, whether from a sermon or studying the scriptures. I have a ton of journals filled with notes!
I cry easily, especially as I age.
I love to talk about God and encourage women to invest their lives in the Lord fully.
There's more, but I will leave it at 20. Now, I can't wait to learn about you!