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Let God's Light Guide You in 2022 (& always)! Download Inspiring Scriptures to Meditate On!

Writer's picture: ChereChere

John 15: 4-5

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me."

Happy New Year! Friends, we have turned the page and a fresh 365 days lie ahead of us (God willing!) If you're like me you already purchased your brand spanking new 2022 planner and you're ready to get intentional about putting some habits and processes in place to help you pursue your dreams and goals. I'm turning 50 this year (crazy!) and definitely have ideas about how I want to enter this new chapter of life (that is for another post). I finished reading the book Atomic Habits (in 1 day!) and am excited to put what I read into practice! By the way I highly recommend putting this on your must read list in 2022!

However, no matter how many new productive habits I form, none of them really matter if I am not abiding in God. If my relationship with God is out of alignment, I can't produce the fruit of those dreams and goals. Accomplishing anything is made easier when we are rooted in the word of God and are abiding in Him. We spend so much time working on achieving the human external, that we forget to nurture spiritual. So much of my inaction, procrastination, or unfulfillment is because I relied on my human abilities instead of God's supernatural abilities over my life. In a society that encourages us to pull ourselves up by the boot straps, to lean into our independence we forget about the necessity of our dependence on God.

When we run into the stumbling blocks on our way to pursuing our goals, or changing our habits, it is easy to get discouraged, to turn inward and focus on our faults, and simply give up. Our stumbling blocks turn into mountains when we turn to self instead of to God. Too much time without God and we will start feeding ourselves the enemies lies of how we are not talented enough, not good enough, incapable, and a string of untruths that stop us in our track. The enemy's words leave us starving and hopeless, while God's word feeds us the TRUTH about who we are in Christ leaving us full of hope! The truth of Christ is freedom, that breaks us free from the chains of lies holding us back from walking fully in our purpose.

The past 2 years were rough folks! We have no idea what 2022 will bring on an individual or global level, but I do know this for certain, God is in control! Hebrews 13:8 tells us, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." There is comfort, peace and rest in knowing that come what may, Jesus is not changing up on us! People, finances, circumstances, goals, dreams, relationships, health, jobs, politics the pandemic, all of it can change in an instance, but the constant is Jesus! So dear friend cling to him above all else!

This year and all the years that follow, my top priority, and where I want my center to be is rooted in God's word, to spend time with Him in prayer, and to abide in Him so that my heart and mind stay in alignment with His will for my life. Do I still have personal goals for this next big milestone in my life? Absolutely! I wholeheartedly believe that we are not here to squander our time, but to put our gifts and talents to work to serve God's Kingdom. But, if God isn't first, everything else is inconsequential. Remember, every blessing flows from above, so that is where our eyes need to be fixed! I can't step fully into my purpose without God's guidance, truth and light for the journey.

Friends, this year, my prayer for you is that you recognize God's love for you, that you turn to him more than you turn to anything or anyone else, and that you always abide in Him! Have a Happy, blessed and safe New Year!

I wanted to share some scriptures that I will be meditating on this year with you!

1 Comment

Chyna Coleman
Chyna Coleman
Jan 02, 2022

The fact that you read it in a day! This post is a great reminder of how nothing will matter if God is not a priority. Keep God first! Thanks for the scriptures as well.


Equipping, Empowering &
Encouraging Women to Live Their Best Life

© 2022  by Chere Williams

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